The Electrical Engineering course is based on subjects in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Informatics, with a strong emphasis on practical classes and laboratory experiments. Vocational training involves classes in electrical installations, electrical equipment, energy systems, electromagnetism, electric machines, electricity market, analog electronics, digital electronics, power electronics, among others.

With solid scientific and technological knowledge, the Electrical Engineer has as general competences: designing, specifying, adapting, and developing electrical and electronic systems, as well as realizing the integration of the physical, logical and programming resources necessary for the execution of these activities.
Coordenação do Programa: JOICE LUIZ JERONIMO

Telefone: 47 3431-5600/5610

E-mail: eng.eletrica.jle@ifsc.edu.br

Título do Profissional: ENGENHEIRO ELETRICISTA Área de Conhecimento CNPQ: Engenharias Modalidade de Curso: Presencial
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  • 15/02/2024 · Início do período letivo2024.1.
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